Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Greenhouse Gardeners Preparing For The Spring Season

Spring weather has given us below normal temperatures, but greenhouse gardeners still keep on schedule. I just planted my wintered over plants and cuttings into their hanging baskets. I used the Sunshine #4 mix. The baskets then received their first feeding of 10-52-17 for the roots to get established.  Once there is active growth I only feed with 20-20-20 on a very regular basis till the end of the season.  I believe that 20-20-20 is a balanced product which gives nutrients to the roots, foliage and flowers.Visiting the local nursery, I was disappointed that they no longer carried this product.  Not giving up I went to Home Depot and found my 20-20-20 and saw on the web it was also available at Walmart.  My feeding schedule will now continue and my plants will have the nutrients they require.
In the greenhouse I always enjoy giving plants a head start in the growing season. My peas are now planted in peat pellets.  In April when the ground is warmer the pea pellets will be planted along the garden trellis.

The dahlia tubers were taken out of winter storage and planted into gallon pots.  I have had great success by starting them in the greenhouse and by the time they are ready for garden planting, the foliage is 8-10 inches high.

The greenhouse environment is very controlled this time of year.  On sunny days the greenhouse vents automatically open for ventilation.  The heater is set for a night temperature of 40-45 F (5-7C) and a circulating fan is set at low for continuous air movement.

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